Thursday, June 26, 2008

Another funny website

I also first saw this one years ago, and it's still classic. ("Epic" as my 17-year-old brother would say). If you don't grasp the concept of satire, then skip it.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I never do this, but

I have 2 posts in one day. I just wanted to share a favorite website that I've recently rediscovered: I Am With You Always. This website makes me giggle uncontrollably-- especially the Golfer picture (where are Jesus' legs?!?). I think Erin A. may especially appreciate these *wink*wink*
If this speaks to you, please comment, since I'm trying to "witness" to y'all.
hee hee hee

Two Down, One to Go...

I have arrived home for a few days between trips 2 and 3.
As promised, here are some photos from my trips. Unfortunately, I can't share more from Jamaica since my students are in the pics, and that is a definite no-no. If I did this right, there are a couple boxes on the right side with my Flickr photos from the trip. I am new to the Flickr thing, so we'll have to see if my technical knowhow is satisfactory.

I am feeling much more tan, but I haven't seen anyone (except husband) since I got back, so I have yet to compare my bronze glory with any other pasty Minnesotans. Aside from the tanning, here are a couple points to share from my trips:
1. Cruzan Rum recently purchased Absolut vodka, so it's ridiculously cheap in the VI. Anyone want to come over for bloodys and cosmos? I have a fully-stocked bar for sure.
2. St. John is my favorite place in the Caribbean, and it was great to go back. I visited two places that I previously hadn't: Trunk Bay (which has an underwater snorkel trail through a huge reef), and the Annaberg Sugar Plantation Ruins. The snorkeling was great at Trunk, and the sand was so fine-- somewhere between sugar and flour. Annaberg was fascinating; what I find most compelling is the story of the slave revolt of 1633. The island had about 10 times more slaves than white people, so it was inevitable. Slaves held the island until 1634 when the military came in to restore order. Needless to say, it ended tragically: over 500 slaves committed suicide by jumping off the cliffs at Annaberg, rather than be taken alive.
3. In Jamaica, I loved the Bob Marley museum. It is housed in his former home; the recording studio is still used by his children.
4. When I asked my students what they would miss about Jamiaca, they said, "Everything!" I had a great group of kids with me, and the Kingston Rotarians and Interactors were incredibly hospitable. We all were homesick for Jamaica as soon as we landed in MN.

I'm going to sign out for now. My first glass of delicious homebrew is starting to get warm. It's an ESB, and although I would like it a little hoppier, it tastes pretty darn good, if I do say so...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hello from Jamaica!

I'm currently on the first of my three June excursions. So far, Jamaica is pretty awesome. Apart from the strange silent mosquitos that are eating me alive while I sleep (and biting my inner thighs?), everything is copacetic-- I mean "irie."
Two students and I are staying with a Rotarian named Andre who is something of a local celebrity. For those of you who are from the TC, he's like the Denny Hecker of Kingston, but in his early 30's, and he also has a nightly radio show. We're staying in his house up in the Red Hills neighborhood, which we've been told is the Beverly Hills of Jamaica. The houses are beautiful, but the thing that makes Andre's house amazing is the outdoor living area. He has a huge bar/patio, pool and hot tub, and an upper lawn that provides an amazing view of the city of Kingston and the harbor. It has the same sort of flavor as the Playboy mansion, but without the debauchery.
Tomorrow is our beach day, which the girls are particularly excited about, and I can't say that I'm not eagerly anticipating a morning of tanning. We have also learned that the Rotarians have planned a night of clubbing, and my students are giddy about that, as well.
Well, I had better sign off. I'll be back to MN on Friday night, and on Tuesday, it's off to the VI. When I return home, I'll be sure to upload some photos.