Saturday, April 26, 2008

Well, it's official...

I will be gone for nearly the entire month of June.  I got accepted to the NEH Conference in Florida, and then I have a service trip with students and a family vacation.  I don't especially love the idea of being gone so much, but when you have the chance for opportunities like this, it's kind of stupid to turn them down!

Although I just finished the most stressful week in a while, I am so in love with my job right now.  Our school is working on implementing a new engineering magnet program that will be slowly phased-in, starting next year.  What does that have to do with Language Arts?  Well, although some view it as a threat to our department (because if the students load up on STEM classes, then they're not taking English), I am seeing it as a pretty amazing opportunity to do something that hasn't been done before.  I met with a coworker and a professor from the U of M yesterday to develop projects in connection to literature that we teach.  The projects require students to use different engineering skills and they relate to different outcomes and models of engineering.  It was one of the most exciting things I have ever done in my teaching career!  By the end of the meeting, we were already planning future activities... Julius Caesar will never be the same.  I think this could easily translate into a paper.  Me-- a published author?  This professor will be in our building one day a week next year and I'm already excited to work with her.  She's using our high school as a model for a huge project she's working on, and she'll be working closely with us as we get this program up and running.  Sorry to bore those of you who aren't connected with the teaching profession...

Well, I had better get going.  I have a private sale event at a boutique in Stillwater to raise money for my service trip.  I hope we make tons of $$$!