Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My favorite things...

Right now, here are the things that are rocking my world:

5.  The new green paint in our office.  It's still wet as I write this, but it's awesome!  It's a cross between Slimer from Ghostbusters and the Green Giant.  Bright, crazy, and totally awesome with the white moulding and doors in the room.  The furniture is all white and modern, as well, with some orange, blue, and yellow accents throughout the room.  This is what happens when you marry an artist.
4.  The Archer Farms dinner in a box things that Bizzle picked up at Super Target.  Easy, yummy.  What's not to love?
3.  Valentine's Day surprises.  Brook surprised me with dinner at a very delicious, romantic Italian restaurant in our neighborhood.  I am going to surprise him by having a print framed.  He bought it years ago at the Northern Waters Smokehouse in Duluth, but he never got around to framing it.  It will be a belated, but unexpected gift.
2.  Hot beverages.  Damn it, groundhog!  Why did you doom us to 6 more weeks of winter?  I guess I'll have to keep chugging hot whiskeys until it gets above freezing.
1.  My friend's new baby.  Audrey was born on Tuesday, and I'm so excited!  Love the name, too.

Also looking forward to getting a facial with Kersten at the Aveda Institute next weekend.  How awesome is it that my birthday present to her is also a gift to me?  That sounded kind of selfish, but oh well.


Erin LaRayne Agosto said...


I saw your comment finally! I added you on my blog! I play with play-doh every year!

I look forward to more teacher stories!